
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Garden Cloche

 We've been having quite a cold snap here in Arizona. the temperatures have been below freezing for several nights in a row. I realize this is nothing compared to most of the country, but it is still enough to harm our tender garden plants! Throughout my neighborhood shrubs and flowers are draped with sheets and burlap to protect their leaves from the bitter chill. 

Yesterday I shared a post about my little bird's nest under a cloche. Cloches have become such a fun home decor item. Many of us have several on hand and fill them with ornaments, flowers, candy, candles, you name it! Marty over at  A Stroll Through Life even hosts regular "Cloche Parties". But of course, their original purpose was to be used in the garden! Cloche means "bell" in French and they create a mini greenhouse  intended to cover and protect young seedlings. So I toted my largest cloche out to the herb garden and set it over my cilantro. The sun warmed things up nicely during the day and so far has kept the frost out at night. 

 The rest of the garden is shivering under beach towels! I fear my cherry tomatoes are goners :( 

I found this lovely post about the history of cloches along with some great photos. Check out Barbara at It's About Time to learn more!
I hope you and your gardens are staying warm!
I'll be joining


  1. I found your post interesting. I love cloche's Marty at A Stroll Thru Life also introduced me to them. I knew they were originally for the garden, I remember my Grandmother having them in her garden to protect the tender plants. Thanks for the lovely information. Stay warm, remember your neighbors to the north, (Utah) are even colder. Karie

  2. My fingers are crossed for your plants. Of course, nothing is above ground in my part of Canada at this time of year but I'll be battling frost in May.

  3. Wow! That is such an amazing idea! I'm glad you were able to save your cilantro!

  4. Your a gardener after my own heart. It's nice to see a cloche being used as intended...
    Best wishes thru the cold days ahead.

  5. So cool! I love cloches and learning about their history.
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at Ivy and Elephants, you are a feature this week. Please feel free to grab a button. We love having you!
