
Monday, January 14, 2013

Bloggers Block

My hat is off to all of you regular bloggers who frequently post fun and inspirational ideas! You've all heard of "Writer's Block"? Well, I'm afraid I've had a case of "Blogger's Block". I haven't posted an update since mid December, what with children and grandchildren staying with us, holiday activities and parties, work, Church responsibilities, putting away Christmas, cleaning everything - in other words LIFE! 

So the best I could come up with is my little bird's nest in a cloche. I found the cloche a couple of months ago out thrift shopping. I think it may have originally been for a clock. I still have a few nests left over from my daughter's wedding last June so I perched one atop an old candlestick and made a tag to nestle in with the egg. Even though it is frigid in most of the country this is a tiny reminder that Spring will be here before you know it!


  1. Cute reminder that spring isn't far off! The tage really makes the piece.

  2. I love nests anytime of year. Yours looks so cute under the cloche.
    Mary Alice

  3. Anytime you can use a cloche for anything, I think it is fantastic. Love it. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  4. Karee,
    I adore your Blogger's Block!!!
    Birds nest, cloche, stamping...a perfect post, dear one!!!
    P.S. Visiting from Marty's!!!

  5. Adorable! Love this sweet little cloche!!!
