
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One Year of Blogging

I started my blog a year ago and I was pretty clueless. In fact it took me a good six months to feel like I knew what I was doing, but I'm still such a novice compared to many of you fabulous bloggers out there. So I was especially surprised to be nominated for a    Picture
award by my new friend Maureen over at It's all Connected. Be sure to check out her blog which has some great DIY projects including how to age a galvanized bucket.

Now I get to recommend 5 other new bloggers for you to check out!

This gal knows how to shop! She shares wonderful treasures and clever ways to use them.

Patty has great decorating tips and furniture makeovers. I love her dresser turned into a kitchen sideboard!

Sherry and her husband take on some pretty amazing renovation projects. Check them out!

Di features thrifted items repurposed into wonderful home decor items.

Cindy has created some of my favorite tablescapes ever! 

Please visit these great bloggers, and tell them I sent you!
Hopefully, I'll continue to get better at taking photos, writing, creating and sharing my projects with you. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Karee, thanks so much for the wonderful compliment! That means a lot to us. We are having so much fun and learning as we go. It is so worth it though. Is there anything special I need to do as a Liebster recipient? I thought I better ask before do a post telling everyone my good news! Thanks and have a great day,

  2. Wow, what a nice surprise to find your words of encouragement. I agree the first 6 months is such a learning experience. A blog button was a Challenge! Thanks for the boost! Di@Cottage-wishes

  3. Hi Karee,
    I am so honored that you would choose my Blog for the Liebster Blog Award! I am just stumbling my way thru this blogging adventure one day at a time. I am taken aback by the genuine kindness and warmth that has welcomed me thus far. I'm truly excited every day by the challenge! (although Mr. Beaux says I'm a little too bloggy hehe)
    Thank you! Beaux R'eves! XO Cindy

  4. I just am catching up and see that you are a follower. I've come to explore your blog today and I am your newest follower as well. I hope to see lots more of your blogging in this New Year. Richard from My Old Historic House.
