
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"French " Lazy Susan

I found this photo on 
Pinterest and traced it back to Kim at Cheap Chic Home
 What a great idea! She took a couple of old lazy susans and turned them into fun Frenchy accent pieces for her kitchen. I love that they look like old wine barrel lids.

Wow! Maybe I can do that! So here is my version. I found a sad looking lazy susan at the thrift store last week for $2.


A little paint, a little distressing and a new graphic found online = Awesome!
Thanks for the idea Kim!

I'll be joining
Thrifty Things Friday
Wow Us Wednesday
Time Travel Thursday


  1. That is awesome! I have a very cherished lazy susan and love it - but that idea is pretty awesome, I'm wondering if mine will stay the way it is or what. Sometimes, it gets in the way . .. so . . . I was browsing links ending with 7,because my link (87) ends in 7, and I just realized, I need to go put dinner in the oven!!! Enjoyed my visit - came by Time Travel Thursday. Thanks! Jenn

  2. I just found an ugly lazy susan at a thrift store with just such a project in mind. Thanks for posting your project. Now I have a jumping off point. :) Robyn

  3. Love it! What a great project! Vanna

  4. LOVE this! Fantastic idea! Love Pinterest and finding fabulous bloggers who share! Oh and Graphics Fairy! Yeah! Look out Lazy Susans! Here I come! I am happy to be your newest follower,

  5. Love this idea! With Pinterest and the Graphics Fairy, we could beautify the whole world! ;)

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. Hope you'll join the fun each week. Come by tonight to see yourself featured.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry cottage
