
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Antiquing in the heart of Pennsylvania

We've had a little family reunion in State College, PA where my son Nat, his wife Tenille and their two little children Grant and Sadie live. Our daughter Megan and her friend Brian joined us from Georgia, and our son Josh flew in from Utah. So we were all together for the 4th of July.We've done lots of eating, watched several movies, stayed up late chatting, watched the fireworks - a typical family get together!

 Of course, we had to leave time for antiquing! These are just a few of the treasures I found, I'll post more pictures later!
 I love the little Austrian teapot and the Lladro dancing girl.
 This is a plate from the Johnson Brothers Heritage series featuring a castle.

 I found a full set of silverplate and couldn't resist!
I also found lots of vintage lace and linens.
We're here for a few more days so hopefully will get  a bit more shopping in!

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