
Sunday, November 26, 2017

Vintage Toys

At the top of the stairs in my parent's home is a child sized secretary/bookcase. It is full to overflowing with vintage toys that my dad has collected over many decades.He lived in England for a few years as a young man and I believe started collecting English tin soldiers then. The collection is eclectic with horses pulling ornate carriages, mechanical banks, miniature trains and automobiles, clipper ships and tiny animals. An absolute child's delight!

Dad built a special display case for some of the toys. Behind these shelves...

 is a cupboard for his sweaters!

If the grandchildren are lucky he'll take down a few things for them to play with.  Of course, vintage toys like these are quite valuable and they are always treated with care. 
Do any of the grownups in your life like to play with toys?

I like to join


  1. I have a toy box. It's where I put things like a noisy and lit-up gun, key chain games (Tinker Toys, Yahtzee, Cootie, etc.), bubble gum treasures, and other things I can't remember. It has been in the garage for awhile, because we are working around the house to find places for everything 2 years after we moved! lol We'll get it taken care of. We're not worried yet.

  2. Karee- I had no idea your dad loves toys. A kindred spirit. Merry Christmas!

  3. What a great collection. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!
