
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Orange Season

It's orange picking season here in Arizona. 

The trees are heavy laden with a bumper crop of ripe citrus.

 New blossoms are bursting too. The smell of orange blossoms is intoxicating. Orange branches are used as a symbol of fertility because they both blossom 
and bear fruit simultaneously.

 And the honeybees are busy at work.

We have about 20 orange trees in our yard. The neighborhood was a commercial orange grove until developers got their hands on it! We're so lucky that we were left with so many trees to give us both fruit 
and much needed shade.

 Now for the juicing. I save empty juice bottles during the year to refill with fresh squeezed OJ which I then freeze.

 As the saying goes, "A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine!"

I'll be joining


  1. I am wild with envy over your orange trees. I don't drink commercial and the price of oranges can be pretty high here. If you tell me you have lemons, I won't be able to handle it! lol ~ Maureen

  2. I can smell the aroma of those orange blossoms through your post! Beautiful pictures too. I just discovered your blog and have had fun looking at all your great stuff. Love your nest theme for your daughter's wedding, so creative!
