
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pretty Perfume Bottles

Ooh la la! Look what I found at the thrift store last week, a pair of vintage perfume bottles. And for only $1 each!

They have a fun metal stopper embossed with a lion's head and crown.

I already had a few vintage perfume bottles that had belonged to my grandmother.
 Now I actually have a collection!

I also found an old hydrocloric acid bottle. Hmm, do I keep it with the perfume bottles?

I love old bottles and usually have an assortment at my shop. Come take a look!

I'll be joining
Show and Tell Friday
Potpourri Friday
Inspiration Friday
Wow Us Wednesday
Tabletop Tuesday


  1. Hi Karee!
    Girlfriend I think you're doing pretty darn well yourself out thriftin'! I really love your perfume bottle collection! And yes your hydrochloric acid bottle too *winks* Vanna

  2. What a pretty collection! Thank you for sharing your wonderful post at Potpourri Friday!

  3. Your perfume bottles are beautiful and I love the acid bottle. xo, Sherry

  4. They look pretty cool. Even without the content, or perhaps thanks to them being empty, the shapes of the various perfume bottles are very easy to see and appreciate. It's fine craftsmanship, indeed.

    -Rob Feckler
