
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nifty Thrifty Napkins

I always have a list of things that I'm looking for when I go thrift shopping. Lately I've been on the lookout for some linen napkins to use for the Christmas table setting I'm doing for my charity show house. Sometimes it takes awhile, but once you really start zeroing in on something, you're sure to find it! 

 These  are some of the sets of napkins I've been lucky enough to find in just the past few weeks! I never pay more than 50 cents apiece.

I did find a set of 12 embroidered white napkins that I'll use for my Holiday table setting, so I've bundled the rest up to take into my antique store.

I think that cloth napkins are like jewelry, in other words, accessories for the table. You can use cheap throw away stuff, but for special occasions it's nice to use the "real thing". 

 My daughter gave me this book a couple of years ago with all kinds of ways to fold napkins. It's been fun to play around with!

This is the French Laundry Fold.

Let me share with you my favorite napkin fold that I learned when I was in high school.
 I was working at the local department store and one day when things were slow I was given  box of napkins to fold for the tea room. You remember those nice little restaurants where ladies could go and have a bit of lunch with their friends? The Tiffin Room was the name of this dining spot, so for want of a better name I'll call this the "Tiffin Room Fold". (I'm sure it must have another name, I just don't know what it is!)

1-fold your napkin in half into a triangle.

 2-Bring the outside corners into the center to meet with the top point.

 3-Fold the napkin in half again by taking the bottom half and folding it under the top half.

4- Now fold the right side in half over the left side.

 Now the napkin will stand up by itself and looks very regal in the center of your plate. this works best with napkins that have a bit of body to them .

This fold is also perfect for displaying individual menus or placecards.

Beautiful linens are just one simple yet inexpensive way to accessorize your table! Have fun! 

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  1. Really smart. I love it.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Greetings from Stockholm,

  2. Very pretty. I love how you folded your napkins. I really need to learn that trick. Thanks for sharing and joining the newbie party.

  3. Thanks for the napkin folding lesson. I needed that!

    Thanks for linking to Potpourri Friday. I appreciate your participation!
