
Monday, August 17, 2020

Stunning Silver Casserole Spoons


 I saw pumpkins in front of a store the other day. Wait! What? Is it Fall already? Well, the kids in our neck of the woods have gone back to school - we hope safely! So is it time to start thinking about the Holidays? 

Hopefully we'll be gathering with family and friends this year like we've always done. One easy but stunning way to dress up your table is with beautiful vintage silverware. This is my small collection of casserole spoons. Aren't they gorgeous?


Casserole spoons are a nice supplement to your serving pieces, noted by their extra large bowl. They are perfect for dishing up mounds of creamy mashed potatoes, herbed stuffing or even fresh fruit.

Of course silverware comes in styles to match anyone's taste- from sleek and clean to sumptuously ornate.

I particularly like the spoons with a scalloped bowl.

You can find vintage silver spoons like these in most antique stores or sometimes if you are lucky at a thrift store. They are only about $10 each so a very reasonable price for making any dinner party look elegant! 

I'm partying with -